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Welcome to Spike@School!

This page has been added by the staff at Spike@School to help you get started by walking you through making your first web page! Follow these easy steps:

Someone in your school should have been set up as the administrator of your website. Their job is to begin setting up other users in the Spike@School system. Get them to create a user account for you. They can do this by:

  1. Clicking Admin System at the bottom of this page. This will take you to the login screen.
  2. Logging in with their username and password that they set through the activation email send to them by us here at Spike@School.
  3. Once they are logged in they should click Users and Groups and follow the directions from there.
  4. You should receive an email with your username and a link to set your password as soon as they add you to the system. Now we're ready to make our first web page.

Making your First Web Page

Once you have your username and password follow these steps:

  1. Click Admin System at the bottom of this page. This will take you to the login screen. You might want to keep this page open in a separate tab so you can read it while you do the rest of these steps.
  2. Enter your username and password and login.
  3. Once you have logged in, you'll arrive in the Construction Zone. This is where you work with the websites content.
  4. You will see this page "Welcome to Spike@School" listed. You can click Edit beside this page name to change the name and contents of this page (we recommend this), or you can select Page or Easy Page from the Add a New: menu to add another page to your website and leave this one intact.
  5. When you are editing or adding a page an editor will pop up and allow you to add contents just as if you were in a word processor.
  6. When you have finished making changes to your page click Save or Add. If you ever want to go back without making any changes click Cancel.
  7. Congratulations! You've just made your first page in the Spike@School system. Now it's time to explore the other modules on the Add a New: menu to find out what else you and your staff can do.
  8. Don't forget also, that you can organise items on your site into Folders. Simply choose Folder on the Add a New: menu in the Construction Zone.

We hope you enjoy using Spike@School as much as we enjoyed making it!

The Spike@School Team.